Electrical Services
“Our technical services teams are highly skilled engineers who can offer added value to our clients and react quickly to situations when HVAPs are needed on site. We are proud to be able to offer our expertise to our clients and ensure we are always providing the very best service possible”
ABM mostly maintains complex electrical equipment via specialist partners, however, there are also ABM team members who are authorised to operate and work on this equipment in emergency situations as a free-of-charge, additional service for clients. The people in these teams are called ‘HVAPs’, High Voltage Authorised Persons. They can conduct assessments to appoint other team members as ‘Authorised Engineers’, and then conduct audits of those engineers and the systems they are responsible for.
For example, an incident report was filed for a client where a fire broke out in their building, causing excessive heat damage. An ABM HVAP was contacted by the client and arrived on site within approximately 25 minutes of being notified and began safely surveying the incident once the London Fire Brigade authorised access. The HVAP was able to trace the problem and put safety locks in place until the original contractor could arrive onsite to survey the area.
In another instance, following a power dip at a client site, a smoke sensor located in a high voltage transformer room went into alarm. An ABM HVAP and Authorised Engineer arrived on site within approximately two hours of the power dip. The team was able to get safe access to the transformer for internal investigation. The investigation showed that a primary connection was not bolted correctly when it was originally installed. This was then resolved.
ABM ensures that HVAPs regularly audit their Authorised Engineers so that there is coverage at all times, should it be needed. These audits ensure compliance with ABM’s Electrical Safety Rules and Procedures. They allow for continuous improvement and mean the service provided for clients is of the highest quality and standard.
ABM HVAPs usually attend incidents that relate to electrical work carried out by other third parties, as seen in the two incidents reported above. This means that the team is able to not only react quickly to an emergency situation, but are also able to investigate and understand the work of a third party that they may not have been exposed to previously.
It is essential that HVAPs are able to think on their feet fast, and be reactive and fast problem solvers to understand the issues they are presented with in an emergency.
- ABM do not charge for this HVAP service; the client benefits from their technical expertise, creating a fundamentally better service provision.
- Reacting quickly to these emergency incidents and being able to support the client shows ABM’s fast reaction time, high expertise and client-centric mindset.
- This service shows the added value of ABM; an extra layer of in-house support for clients.